Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control

Silt Fence

The City of Milwaukie is committed to protecting its community’s water quality from the impacts of sediments in our local streams, wetlands, rivers, and groundwater. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified erosion as the single largest significant cause of impaired water quality in rivers, streams, and wetlands. Sediment deposition is a contributing factor in the decline of Salmonoid populations in our region and a reduction in flood storage. Pollutants gain mobility by adhering to sediment particles and are transported by stormwater runoff to nearby receiving streams, which in Milwaukie affects Spring Creek, Kellogg Creek, Johnson Creek, and the Willamette River. A reduction in sediment directly relates to a reduction in pollutants towards our local streams.




City of Milwaukie Erosion Control Permit   (500 square feet - 0.99 acres)

Projects that disturb MORE THAN 500 SQUARE FEET within the City of Milwaukie city limits require an Erosion control permit from the City’s Building Department. Start by filling out an application for your erosion control permit. Submit your erosion control permit as a Site Development application on the ePermitting webpage and upload your erosion control plans for review. Please review the city's erosion control requirements for processes and example plans.

It may take up to 30 business days to complete the application process and receive an issued erosion control permit. Even projects that are less than 500 square feet may require a permit based upon site conditions and proximity to natural resources such as a wetland or waterway. The applicant is encouraged to use the City’s adopted Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Planning & Design Manual (2020) for assistance in designing an erosion control plan.


DEQ NPDES 1200-CN Permit    (1 - 4.99 acres)

Construction activities disturbing BETWEEN 1 and 5 ACRES are automatically covered under the Oregon (DEQ) Department of Environmental Quality (NPDES) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Discharge General Permit No. 1200-CN through the City of Milwaukie’s erosion control program. This relieves many applicants from also having to apply to DEQ for a permit. Please see the 1200-C/CN page for application materials HERE.


DEQ NPDES 1200-C Permit     (5 or more acres)

Activities disturbing OVER 5 ACRES are not eligible for automatic coverage and are subject to additional permitting requirements by DEQ under the 1200-C program


For permit fees, please refer to the City of Milwaukie's 2023/2024 Master Fee Schedule


If you have any questions about a project and erosion control requirements, please call the 503.786.7699 or Obtaining the proper permit before you start working can save you both time and money.