Library2Go & Libby

Borrow ebooks & audiobooks. Libby. The reading app from our library, built by Overdrive.

Access ebooks and eaudiobooks without leaving your house! 


Library2Go is a digital library provided by the State of Oregon Library. LINCC library patrons also have access to our own collection of additional titles through the same service. We have thousands of popular ebooks and eaudiobooks for all ages and for all types of devices and computers (including Kindle format). You can check out up to six at a time for up to 21 days. Plus you have unlimited access to over 4,000 magazines.

Finding eBooks and eAudiobooks:


Search for authors, subjects, etc. and then limit your search to ebooks or eaudiobooks from the choices on the left side of the screen. 


Download the Libby app to access our Library2Go collection from your phone or tablet. Search for titles and authors, or browse by genre. You can place holds or limit your search to items that are currently available.

More eBooks for FREE!

Project Gutenberg - eBooks in the public domain.

Internet Archive - a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

The Hathi Trust - a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.