
Applicant proposes to construct a 2-story 1,848-sq ft manufacturing/light industrial building. The applicant requests variances to allow a front yard setback of 0-ft rather than 20 ft, reduce the minimum driveway spacing from 10 ft to 3.5 ft, and to reduce the perimeter landscaping for the parking area from 6 ft to 3 ft. Improvements include a 20-ft dedication on Johnson Creek Blvd and frontage improvements on 58th Dr.

File Number(s)
VR-2021-012 (master file)

Application Type(s)
Type III Variance

9285 SE 58 Dr

Current Status 
Approved with Conditions

Public Hearing
Planning Commission on January 25, 2022 
Planning Commission on April 12, 2022 
Planning Commission on May 24, 2022 
Planning Commission on June 28, 2022


Staff Contact
Vera Kolias, Senior Planner
(503) 786-7653