Milwaukie Museum Performance: Michael O'Neill


Saturday, July 9, 2022 - 1:30pm

The Milwaukie Museum, in partnership with Two Sisters Play Café, Clackamas County Cultural Coalition, Milwaukie
Lumber and Professional Fools Productions, presents a performance by Michael O’Neill on the back lawn of the museum at 3737 SE Adams St. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Admission is free, but feel free to tip the performer.

Come watch O’Neill as he attempts to defy gravity while juggling, falling down and, more impressively, getting back up. Everything from classical ballet to constructing his own mid-show snack. He is a graduate of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, Dell'Arte International School of Physical Theatre, and completed graduate
work at the University of Portland. He has performed in all fifty states and more than a dozen countries over the last 20 years, from clown to vaudeville to puppeteering. To learn more, visit