Public Art Mural Guidelines & Mural Application


SCALE:  Appropriateness of scale to the wall upon which the mural will be painted/attached and to the surrounding physical features.

Note: All murals that are more than 40% of the wall face shall be reviewed as Public Art Murals, even if grant funding is not sought by the applicant and/or if grant funding is not available.

CONTEXT: Architectural, geographical, sociocultural, and/or historical relevance to the site.

Note: Public Art Murals are not allowed on buildings designated as historic on the historic registry.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT: General support/advocacy from the building owner/user, surrounding neighborhood, adjacent businesses, and/or arts community.

FEASIBILITY: Demonstrated ability to complete the proposed mural on time and within budget.

MEDIA: Appropriate media proposed to ensure the mural’s longevity and durability.

STRUCTURAL AND SURFACE STABILITY: Commitment to repair the mural surface as necessary before painting and a plan for mitigating graffiti through design and/or graffiti coating.

SIGNED EASEMENT FORM FROM BUILDING OWNER: Commitment to keep the mural in place as approved for a minimum of 5 years and to maintain the mural during that time.

PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY, SAFETY AND LIGHTING: Plan to comply with City codes for safety, accessibility, and lighting.


At the June 3, 2014 meeting, MilwaukiePublic Art, including language that defines two options for permitting murals in Milwaukieeach having different limitations and review processes. Public Art Murals may cover up to 100% of the wall face and shall be reviewed through a rigorous committee process. Original Art Murals may cover up to 40% of the wall face and must obtain a permit through the Planning Department. For questions about the Original Art Mural permit program call (503) 786-7630 or visit: Original Art Murals.


Individuals/organizations intending to create a mural on an exterior wall that is visible from the public right-of-way can apply for funding through the Public Art Mural Program. Funding is limited and may not be granted.

Applicants to the Public Art Mural Program may be:

  1. An individual artist or group of artists
  2. Building or business owner;
  3. Not-for-profit groups such as neighborhood associations, citizen-based groups, schools and organizations with 503(c)(3) status. IRS 503(c)(3) status is not required.  A “not-for-profit” is defined as an organization whose primary purpose is to serve and provide general benefits to the public and the organization’s/group’s net earnings are not distributed to those who control it.



  1. At least one month prior to submitting your Public Art Mural application, meet with the mural program coordinator for an initial review of imagery, location , funding and building owner’s approval.
  2. Complete the Public Art Mural program application. 

    Email to, or send to: City Hall c/o Jordan Imlah 10722 SE Main St.

  3. Provide all required supplementary materials, including:
    • JPG image(s) of a color rendering of proposed mural
    • JPG image(s) of site and physical surroundings
    • Up to 6 jpg images of artist’s past work; if more than one artist, submit 6 images per artist.
    • Project timeline
    • If attaching panels to a wall, a materials list, drawing and attachment plans must be submitted.
    • Other materials as agreed upon between applicant and RACC.
  4. Posted Notice:
    Prior to the Ad Hoc Mural Committee review, the applicant shall provide documentation to the City Manager, or designee, that they complied with the public notice requirements as follows:
    • The notice shall be posted at least 14 days prior to the Ad Hoc Mural Committee’s meeting to review the proposed mural. The City Manager, or designee, shall provide the applicant with materials to be posted. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the notice is posted and remains posted. If the notice is damaged or removed, the applicant shall replace the notice as soon as practicable.
    • The notice shall be durable and waterproof.
    • The notice shall be clearly visible from the public right-of-way and be at least 11 x 17 in. The City Manager, or designee, may require more than 1 sign to be posted, depending on specific site characteristics.
    • The notice shall include the name and contact information for the applicant and owner; contact information for the City Manager, or designee; and a legibly-sized color representation of the proposed public art mural.
  5. Ad Hoc Mural Committee Review:
    The Ad Hoc Mural Committee shall be convened by the City Manager, or designee, and shall meet within 30 business days of the submitted mural application being deemed complete.

    The Ad Hoc Mural Committee shall review the proposed public art mural. The intent of this review is to explore the feasibility of the mural, evaluate the community support for the proposed mural, assess the mural given its context and its placement on either a City building or building with a public art easement, and to make a recommendation to the Milwaukie Arts Committee for approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the public art mural application.