
City of Milwaukie Oregon Official Website

Volunteers enrich the community through shared passion and dedication. Volunteer service builds mutual understanding, respect and common ideals. The city values its volunteer partners and knows that together, we are stronger.

Volunteer Opportunities Page
Check the city's Volunteer Page to learn more about volunteer opportunities in Milwaukie. Activities posted to this section include city board and committee vacancies, neighborhood needs, community events, such as clean-ups, and local nonprofit needs.

For more information about volunteering, contact Jason Wachs at 503-786-7568 or wachsj@milwaukieoregon.gov

Volunteer of the Year Award
In 2012, a citizen appreciation program was established by Council. A key components of this program is recognizing outstanding volunteers. Council selected Ed Zumwalt as the recipient of the first Volunteer of the Year Award and aptly named the award after him.

City Council continues to select a Volunteer of the Year, honoring them with a plaque and proclamation in April of each year.  Additionally, a larger plaque resides in the City Hall lobby acknowledging each year's recipient. Nominations for the award are collected from the community beginning in late December until mid-February. The winner is then selected in March or April. Winner's are then featured in the Pilot Newsletter, on social media, and on the city website. Finally, the Volunteer of the Year is honored at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner sometime during the year.