Moving Forward Milwaukie Project takes to the streets

City of Milwaukie Oregon Official Website

To cultivate ideas and learn from other jurisdictions about how to invigorate Main Street and commercial areas, City Councilors, Planning Commissioners, members of the Moving Forward Milwaukie Project Advisory Committee, and City staff visited Oregon City's and Lake Oswego's Downtown areas on June 2, 2014.

Those taking part in the tour paid careful attention to how the public and private sectors have worked together in those communities to build successful development projects and public spaces, and how capital improvements like streetscape amenities can encourage private investment.

The tour was part of the Moving Forward Milwaukie Project (MFM) - the City's effort to remove barriers and encourage appropriate development in Milwaukie's commercial areas. Proposed programs and code revisions will be discussed at the June 24 Planning Commission meeting and the June 26 Public Advisory Committee, both of which are open to the public.

For more information about the project, please visit: