Moving Forward Milwaukie Project Open House showcases Central Milwaukie work on Feb. 4th

City of Milwaukie Oregon Official Website

After focusing on the Downtown area, the Moving Forward Milwaukie: Enhancing Our Commercial Districts Project has turned its focus to the Central Milwaukie area - roughly the commercial area between Hwy. 224 on the west, 37th Ave. to the east, Meek St. on the north, and Industrial Way to the south. The Central Milwaukie planning efforts will result in a land use and transportation plan for the area, as well as proposed Comprehensive Plan and zoning ordinance amendments that address the following issues:

  • What uses should be allowed in this area?
  • What should new development look like?
  • How large or tall should new buildings be? Where should parking be located on the site?
  • How can connectivity between different parts of this district be improved?
  • How can connections with other parts of Milwaukie be improved?
  • How can access by car, bike, and foot be as comfortable and safe as possible?

An Open House on Wed., Feb. 4th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Public Safety Building (3200 SE Harrison St.) will provide the public a chance to public to review and comment on the work that’s been done so far.

The Downtown development and design standards go before the Planning Commission on Feb. 10th and the design standards and land use review procedures on Feb. 24th.

To learn more about the Moving Forward Milwaukie project, please visit the project website at