Milwaukie Bay Park Annual Dock Removal

Milwaukie Bay Park dock

North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District (NCPRD) is scheduled to remove a portion of the transient dock from Milwaukie Bay Park on Thursday, Oct. 31. This removal is done each year to avoid debris from building up against it during heavy rains.

Large branches, logs and, occasionally, foreign materials accumulate against the upstream side of the dock, which causes unwanted force against it as well as the pilings. This can cause severe damage, if the furthermost portions of the dock are left in the river.

Sections of the dock are still accessible and the boat ramp will remain open year round. NCPRD will reinstall the removed sections after the spring rains subside.

For questions, contact Kevin Cayson, NCPRD's park and facilities manager, at 503.789.4570 or For more information, visit