Central Milwaukie Bikeway Connection Project - Virtual Open House Event


Thursday, January 14, 2021 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Map of Central Milwaukie area

Join the project team from the City and Alta Planning to discuss the Central Milwaukie Bikeway Connection Project

Team members will discuss the potential route options for a bikeway between 29th Ave and Monroe St and will be available to answer any questions about the route options and/or project. 

This virtual event will be an open door format, so feel free to join at any point!

There will be a brief presentation at the beginning (around 6:30pm) and later at 7:30pm, if you want to attend at a particular time, but you are welcome to join when it is best for you. 

TIME: 6:30-8:30pm


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Passcode: 417387

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Meeting ID: 924 7539 2037
Passcode: 417387
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/achuLlitj6


Q. Someone I know wants to attend, but they only speak Spanish, can they participate?

A. Yes, we will have staff available who can communicate with them in Spanish. If you know ahead of time that they will want to join, please email espanol@milwaukieoregon.gov and let us know. 

Q. I can't attend, but have questions about this project. Who can I reach to talk to about it?

A. Please contact Brett Kelver the Project Manager at KelverB@milwaukieoregon.gov or 503-786-7657.