Composting Food Waste

Food scraps

Composting takes the nutrients from your kitchen waste and puts them back into the soil

There are many environmental benefits of composting, and a few rules to follow. From your home to your workplace, learn how to implement an easy and effective composting system that works for you.

Composting at Home and Work

Home Composting:

Composting is a great idea to use food waste and scraps for healthy gardens and plants, rather than ending up in landfills. Learn why and how to compost at home through these helpful EPA resources and tools.

Workplace Composting:

Clackamas County offers many resources to learn about food waste composting in your workplace. Click here to access their informational resources, read about Metro-wide food scrap policies, and contact an expert to assist you in the process. 


Food Waste in Yard Debris

As of August 2017, food scraps can be included in yard debris carts for collection in Milwaukie. Using the yard debris bin helps eliminate the amount of grease, fat and oils going through the city's sewer system, which cuts down on the cost of maintenance or replacement of pipes.

Tips for Your Yard Debris Cart:

  • Set your cart out on each service date.
  • Place sheets of newspaper on the bottom of your cart to help absorb moisture.
  • Use soap and water to clean the cart. Pour dirty water onto grass or gravel, but not down the storm drain.

Put These Items in Your Yard Debris Cart:

  • Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, bones
  • Eggs and eggshells, cheese, dairy products
  • Bread, baked goods, pasta, rice, beans, nuts, seeds
  • Coffee grounds, filters, tea bags
  • Vegetables and fruit
  • Paper napkins and paper towels
  • Pizza delivery boxes
  • Table scraps, plate scrapings, leftovers, spoiled food

For questions, please contact your garbage hauler directly.