Rental Resources

Eviction Moratorium Extended Until June 30, 2021 for Oregonians who have experienced financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic. The legislation, in House Bill 4401 also establishes a landlord compensation fund to cover rental assistance and allows Oregon Housing and Community Services to grant funds for additional rental assistance. 


Visit the Resident & Business Support page for up-to-date news and resources in response to COVID-19.  

Affordable Housing Inventory 

The Oregon Health Authority provides an integrated state wide list of affordable housing options. Many of the properties have a waiting list. Access information HERE.

Climate Action Plan - Household Strategies  Milwaukie's Climate Action Plan - The Household Strategies suggests actions that residents can take to contribute to Milwaukie's goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.
Energy and Utility Assistance
  • The City of Milwaukie offers reduced rates for water, wastewater, storm-water, or street utility charges for low-income residents.
  • Clackamas County offers low-income residents, making below 60% of the area's median income, emergency financial assistance for energy bills.
For Landlord-Tenant Disputes Community Alliance of Tenants is a resource for rent assistance, housing connections, legal council, and quality of housing disputes.
How Much Rent Can You Afford

Use Rentable's accurate and easy-to-use rent affordability calculator to determine how much rent you can truly afford. 

Income Restricted Housing  Housing Authority of Clackamas County owns and maintains single and multifamily homes for those making less than 80% of the area's median income.
Metro HomeShare Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) helps home providers stabilize and retain their housing by developing the unused portions of their home into affordable rentals.
One Stop Rental Home Search and Application OneApp centralizes your housing search with one application and enables you to know where you're qualified to live based on their database.
Renter/Homeowner Support Network Northwest Housing Alternatives "Home Base" supports residents through case management solutions, for eviction prevention and rapid re-housing.
Rent Well - Future Tenant Education Rent Well is a free tenant education course that helps individuals navigate the rental market.
Veteran Voucher Program Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing Voucher Program - The HUD-VASH is a federally funded rental assistance program for struggling Veterans.
Voucher Program Housing Choice Vouchers (Housing Authority of Clackamas County) -  Rental assistance where residents earning below 50% of the area's median income can receive reduced rents for qualified homes in the area.